Is your Subconscious keeping you caged?
In my work, even the best and most conscious of us, still have some areas in our lives where our Subconscious plays master.
The tricky thing about our subconscious programming is that we were programmed so long ago (as children) in many ways of being that we believe to BE US and so the work starts in the QUESTIONING of the self.
When it comes to waking up and creating the life you desire and becoming who you REALLY want to be, the truth is, that YOU are the only block!
And therefore...YOU are the only one who can do anything about who you are, who you want to be and what you want out of life.
YOU are the co-creator, in partnership with Soul and even I, with the skills that I have in seeing your "stuff" can't MAKE you choose alignment and I can't make you choose to do the inner work. THAT my friend, is entirely up to you.
However, what I CAN do is share with you some tips on waking up to your subconscious conditioning. I can teach you and coach you and write to you...but after that...the choice is yours ;)
So here we go...
Consciousness resides in the question. The questions themselves however, need to be powerful and aligned. So for example...if you ask yourself "What is wrong with me?" then you aren't aligned because SOUL will never speak back to you in a demeaning manner. Your EGO however, loves a question like this and will do it's best to answer which will, of course, no doubt take you off track into all the endless possibilities of what is wrong with you...and we all know this ends in self doubt, criticism and self loathing. Let's not do that Conscious Creator ;)
Powerful questions can be "What is my Soul trying to show me here?", "Which parts of me are asking for attention", "In what ways can I be more loving to myself?", "What would my inner child like from me today?", "Which parts of my body are needing attention?" etc etc....
Empowering conscious questions ALWAYS lead to some kind of self discovery! Do THAT!
In my coaching I always talk about the importance of connecting to your inner child. Most blocks and issues in your subconscious start here and so, if you miss him or her out, you are going to find that part of your subconsious, and any issues that reside in your inner child, will remain a fixture in your life.
Inner children play out in us when we are unaware of them so it's best to make friends with your inner child and LEARN THEIR LANGUAGE so that you can tell when your inner child (the wounds of your childhood) is playing out.
Once you recognise them in words and behaviour and understand what this part of you needs and desires from you, you are a huge leap forward in your steps towards conscious living!
In your desire to escape your subconscious conditioning it's important to be around CONSCIOUS peeps!
If you stay around folks with similar programming...for example those who believe "Those with money are snooty and manipulative", then you aren't going to get very far abundance wise. If you stay around those who often tell you "All men are arseholes" or "All women are devious" then you aren't going to be in a great position to stay high vibe so that you attract Conscious partners into your life.
You see where I am going with this right...
Your environment, especially when you are first waking up to yourself, is hugely important and the people you NEED at this time are those who are fighting in your Soul's corner rather than those who are in a battle with their own subconscious blocks!
Don't get me wrong...everyone is trying to release something...but there are those who are consciously SEEKING themselves and those who aren't!
So CHOOSE your consciously growing environment wisely and remember to plant yourself in places where the sun shines and there are loving conscious people who will water you with healthy vibes and affirming thoughts about you.
That must also check YOUR thoughts and beliefs because those healthy minded loving hearted beings will eventually fall away if you are thinking and saying negative things all the time.
Conscious beings only want to be around other conscious beings so do your work and check the limiting beliefs that form the opinions that come out of your mouth and then go back and do step 1!!!
There is so much more I could share but I think that's enough for your conscious up-leveling and block removing today.
Do let me know how you get on with the simple steps I've suggested above.
👉...Would you be interested in some FREE Coaching that may help you unlock your subconscious programming and release you from toxic emotional imbalance, negative repeating patterns and get you back on track with finding your joy and purpose in life?
Then I have just the thing for you!
Sign up for my FREE 6 Day Clear Your Conditioning Challenge here:👇
I'll be helping you strip back the layers of conditioning you hold in your subconscious and reconnecting you to your true Soul Self.
You'll be sent daily videos, have access to the private Facebook group where the clearing energy will be amplified AND I'll be livestreaming in the group EVERYDAY giving you coaching on your specific issues!
You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.
I'll see you in there 👍