
Monday, 15 August 2022

- Is Your Money Emotionally Unavailable? -

There's a concept I want to share with you that I see time and time again...

...that your money relates to your relationships!

What I mean by this is that your money shows up for you the way men do, your money shows up for you the way women do and ultimately, your money shows up for you the way YOU do!

Because ultimately money is generated BY you and THROUGH you the same way your intimate relationships are.

There are many who talk of money as ENERGY but for me money is NEUTRAL.

Money is something we PUT VALUE onto...just like we do with our intimate partners.

We FEEL feelings for our loved ones that generate ENERGY...but those people are simply people even if they themselves have their own feelings and energy...they are neutral in our world until WE place OUR energy there.

This is the same as money.

Money, being neutral, is only given energy once WE engage with it. 

Thus money interacts with us the way WE interpret it.

If we see it as a threat we may shut down from it.

If we see it as hard work we may keep blaming it for being so.

If we believe money only loves RICH/POSH/SNOBBISH people and we don't want to be that way, then we deny money from our world.

Or, If we are attracted to money but believe that we can't have becomes Mr or Mrs Unavailable!

And then we start to view money similarly to the way we do in our intimate relationships.

You may hold onto money by hiding the little you you have and not wanting to share it or spend it which can become similar to control in relationships.

You may become judgemental about how much money you allow a similar way to your "worthiness" around love.

You may believe that you can't have more money...which is similar to how your men or women show up for you in their ability to love you.

You may accept lower paying jobs that you are worthy of...just like the crumbs you are willing to take from an uncommitted partner!

You may spend every penny you have very easily because you don't value money...which can show the way you don't really value your relationship with money. Is this similar to relationship for you? Have you been told you don't value your there will be another Lover just around the corner!

There are LOTS of ways we can correlate our money issues with our love issues and so I know that if you have money problems you tend to have heart's why...

Money, as said before is neutral.

You are the energy generator.

Your belief system around money are similar to the ones you have about love.

The reason for this is because much of our belief least the toxic up at unworthiness!

Unworthiness closes our heart energy.

It's been proven now, scientifially, that our heart energy is much stronger, wider and broader than the energy we omit from our minds.

So...if we feel unworthy...and we close our hearts because of our "unworthiness"...what do you think happens to your money generating abilities!???

See where I'm going with this?

Your HEART is your true GENERATOR!

Your heart is the generator of your ABUNDANT LIFE because it's ever hopeful!

Your heart, unfiltered by the minds doubts, has SO MUCH ENERGY that you can attract money if you simply switch your mind's position of Master to that of Side-Kick!

Your mind is a great generator of IDEAS when you allow your heart to remain open and responsive to your Soul's intuitive prompts.

If you let your mind take over and try to generate money from that place without remaining open (heart space) and connected to your gut (soul space)...then your money can float in the ether...just like that relationship you truly desire...because your mind (along with your protective Ego) won't believe that money is possible for you!

I hope you can feel how passionate I am about this topic because my true passion is not to make you Rich..though wouldn't that be lovely says your's to make you REAL.

It's my desire to help as many people to wake up to their true self and their amazing gifts and abilities and part of that is to help you to manifest more of YOUR money...the money that you truly deserve to become MORE of  your Soul Led Self.

I'd love to invite you to take a deeper look into your money blocks by watching  my FREE 3 part Money Blocks Blueprint Series. 

Simply CLICK HERE to join in the money blocks conversation and discover more about your own personal money flow!

Let's ALIGN with money and get rich in more ways than one!


Thursday, 11 August 2022

- Release Your Money Blocks -

Money has been portrayed for generations as a dirty word.

Embedded in the Collective Unconscious are images of humans who are money hungry which repel those of us who are heart-led and lead us into lack!

We have also been programmed by society and our family conditioning to believe the same about money.

Think of some of the phrases that have been dealt as truth down your family line. I'm sure you'll come up with a few that may sound like...

"Money doesn't grow on trees"

"You have to work hard to make money"

"Money is the root of all evil"

"Men make more money that Women"

"People who have money are snobby and lacking in empathy"

"People who have money dress smart and are skinny"

If you have any of these beliefs inside...and let's face it, who doesn't on some level!? 

They are literally blocking you from your ability to connect to the vibration of money and thus you feel lack instead of ABUNDANCE!

Let's look at money from a vibrational perspective to understand it more.

Let's consider that money is water. 

Water is neutral UNTIL we add something to it.

There have been many studies on water that show that when you add a particular flower to it that water retains the "memory" of that particular flower!

Dr Emoto's work on water showed the powerful way that words affect water and thus the power way WE affect ourselves by our own words about ourselves because we are primarily made up of WATER!

Sceptical?...I urge you to watch the video below!

There's SCIENCE to this...not just hippy woo woo spiritual stuff 😉

So...if money is indeed like water...which I consider it to be considering the way if flows from one hand to another, one account to another AND just like water becomes an essential part of US, money becomes food, drink, travel, gadgets, books, courses, gifts etc...therefore it is transmutable and something that has the ability to become whatever you desire it to be!

Money, as a transformative energy, can be an amazing and essential tool in your growth and evolution.

Far from being "evil" and "snobby", money has the ability to bring us JOY and FREEDOM...but of course...only if we use it wisely and only if we are connected to our Soul!

Money, ALIGNED with SOUL, sets you on a path of growth and helps you to reach your highest potential.

Looking at this in a simple and grounded way...if you don't have money you are in SURVIVAL's hard to grow and thrive when you are surviving on crumbs and feeling like you are only ever "making ends meet".

The reality is that you need to create a friendship with money and then you need to learn to have a RELATIONSHIP with money...yes, you heard me...get intimately connected to money...and discover your blocks to LOVING it!

Just like your own personal intimate relationship...your lessons around money and how you see it. 

How you project onto it and how you abuse it or neglect it...are rooted in your inner money wounds!

I work often with the inner child in client Soul Sessions. 

Your inner child is directly linked to your true Soul Self...and since the Soul Self is the driver for your Soul makes sense that your inner child and Soul are directly linked to your ability to manifest money.

Your money is simply waiting for you to fall in love with it and yourself!!!


Money, in our subconscious, is often related to masculine energy. 

We see this in our family conditioning, in society AND in our energy.

Most often when we desire to create money we feel we have to take ACTION and CREATE it.

This is true...but only in part!

The real truth about money is that you also have to ALLOW it!

You have to be open to receiving which means your feminine energy of emotion, love and receiving, needs to be activated also.

This means that your HEART has to be open...and this is hard if you don't trust yourself...if you essentially don't fully LOVE yourself when it comes to money. can love who you are and what you do in the world...but if you don't love who you are around money and you don't love money itself (in a non-egoic way), then you will struggle to allow money into your life.

What if money doesn't grow on trees BUT it does grow from the SEED YOU PLANT!?

Meaning...what if you are FULL of money generating ideas?

What if your Soul knows EXACTLY how you can make more money?

What if the answer lies in the connection of you to your Soul Voice?

What if YOUR MONEY is simply waiting for you to collect it by becoming an open channel?

What if money shows up for you when you finally fall in LOVE with YOURSELF?

I want to add in something else...

...If you don't feel you have enough money you are unlikely to put money aside for your self care and you may feel guilty for putting money towards your GROWTH because somewhere hidden inside of you, there is the belief of lack and of not being able to create abundance, and paying for growth when you don't trust yourself and you don't trust money seems ridiculous!

HOWEVER...since money is energy and flows TO and FROM HAVE to SPEND money in order to BRING IT BACK TO YOU!

Now...I'm not saying go crazy and spend all you have in order for you to manifest more no no.

But what I am saying is that those who hold onto money (take old Scrooge for example 😜) have a real hard time keeping it!

These are the types of people who find that they money they are trying to hard to save disappears on a sudden car breakdown or leaking water pipe in their home.

They try over and over to keep their money with them and sadly end up chasing money away because their belief system stops the flow of can't come back to them easily...and life is usually a struggle.

In my Money Blocks Blueprint Series I take you through the foundation of money...learning about your money and how it works RIGHT NOW in your life.

This is where we get to see EXACTLY how you deal with money.

OOoh...uncomfortable...maybe...but ESSENTIAL..YES!

We then go on to look at the limiting beliefs you hold around money. 

We also look at why your intimate relationships are often connected to your relationship with money!

We dive deep into your subconscious blocks around money and start to break you fee of the chains that are holding you back from YOUR money!

AND we take a look at changing your money basement and ceiling figures!

YOU have the ability to create way more abundance in your world than you realise...yes YOU...and I want to help you.

My Money Blocks Blueprint Video Series can be accessed from the comfort of your own home.

You'll receive around 70 mins of content where we will clear out your old unwanted money conditioning and start you on the path to connecting with your Soul's money manifesting MAGIC!

Sign up for me FREE Money Blocks Blueprint Video Series! 

Click Here to find out more 👉

Once you secure your place you'll be sent an email that includes the very first video and access to our Private Facebook Group where I'll be sharing more tips on bringing more abundance into your life.

I'm really looking forward to sharing with you more on the truth about your and YOUR money.

Feel free to SHARE THIS BLOG with anyone who you may know who could do with a different perspective on their money blocks! 😉

I'll see you on the inside,
