I was listening to another Spiritual Teacher the other day who was talking about "Acting As If.."
I'm not gonna lie. I found it hugely irritating lol!
I listened to the Spiritualising of this concept and found myself saying NO inside.
He spoke about acting as if you have (fill in the blank) like it's a done deal.
He mentioned that you...your future self...your higher self...whichever self you want to believe in...has already made whatever stuff you want to manifest happen!
It's all there...simply match with that alignment and there you go..POP...it appears.
He was talking about Relationships in particular and this made his point even more fluffy in my personal opinion and, just so you know..
...I am tired of Spiritual fluff! ;)
Acting as if is not simply about imagining that you already have something because it's a "Done Deal" in some other paradigm.
Acting as if does NOT, for the majority of us, bring you the person of your dreams to your doorstep when you haven't taken a look at your conditioning and cleared your shit because let's face it, your dream person is soooo dreamy that unless you are a pretty awakened conscious being, they very likely won't entertain any subconscious drama brought into the relationship.
Acting as if does NOT simply mean that if you wear Louis Vuitton that lots of money will suddenly appear in your bank account.
Acting as if does NOT suddenly make you a business person if you are crap at actually running your business and you haven't laid any foundations to make it run as a business.
Acting as if does NOT make you a good Parent if you are only being nice about your kids in front of other people and being a tyrant behind closed doors.
Acting as if does NOT make you a kind person if you aren't kind to those you love and ultimately, kind to yourself!
Acting as if does NOT make the dream life happen without taking some action AND usually some kind of work that you probably don't readily want to do to make it happen!
Acting as if does NOT make you happy if underneath you are feeling insecure and have programming that tells you you're "too much" or "not enough!"
Are you catching my flow?...
From my point of view, Grounded Spirituality is needed here!
You see, all of us have some kind of Subconscious conditioning running somewhere in our lives. Perhaps in many areas...perhaps in just a few.
When we Act As If without taking a look at what is REALLY going on within us, we deny ourselves our future vision because we are literally ACTING!
I mean, I know we all want to be the star of our life's movie, but I'd much rather not ACT my way through it and live in ALIGNMENT with my Soul because I've grown to learn that...
...Soul knows the way much better than any "faking it till I make it" stuff I ever tried!
And as said in the pic above, sometimes Soul is gonna ask you to do something you sure as hell don't want to!
Sometimes we are going to have to do things that are hard and make us feel like we can't go forward or are failing.
We are going to have to own our inability to talk with emotional balance and to face off the demons we carry around from our childhood.
Sometimes we are going to have to push through periods of time when we need to learn something that we find difficult for our relationships to thrive or for our business to work...just as sometimes we are going to have to slow down or stop when we want to keep charging on with a project and have forgotten about ourselves and our loved ones.
There are many ways of being that we need to become aware of before our future selves can deliver to us the life we dream of and....
...Sometimes we are just going to have to accept defeat because Soul is guiding us towards a path that is so much better for us than we can ever imagine!
There are MANY times, due to us having Free Will and due to the nature's we are born with (I love astrology to help with this one!) that come along with their own set of "things" to learn AND due to our conditioning that we take paths that are part of our life's learnings...which is all good by the way...BUT, they may not be the best path we could take for our Soul's purpose to manifest.
Soul will try to send us curve balls or red flags in the aim that we become more conscious of our repeating patterns and conditioned mind and take heed!
Soul's hope for us is not that we don't go through any hardship, but that we wake up to our true selves and our conditioning as quickly as we can and as part of this 3D human experience at the moment, it's the quickest way to wake us up in our short Earth lives!
There is another way to learn...which I will talk more about in another blog but for now...
I feel, we would achieve much more of what our true self wants by coming into ALIGNMENT rather than Acting as if!
Because if we really cleared out our conditioning then we would be authentically choosing who we are.
We would be able to WITNESS our conditioning, our repeating patterns and the messages that Soul sends our way!
We would be WILLING to do the work that it is going to take to become the version of OURSELVES that is needed to have the relationship, the money, the family, the career and the dream life!
We would check in with our inner child and get to know our EGO so that we can PARENT OURSELVES into our future with understanding, compassion and discernment.
We would recognise when Soul is delivering MESSAGES to us so that we can work from our INTUITION rather than our heads.
And we would STOP when we saw an old pattern emerging or have no inner guidance from Soul and take it as a message that we need to do some checking in with ourselves or that we need to wait before taking our next steps.
Because this is all how we truly GET THERE!
Now, don't get me wrong. There may be times when faking it till you make it has it's place.
Maybe you have trouble with your confidence and by faking it (whilst taking action of course in your chosen area of confidence practice) you train yourself to trust yourself!
I'm ALL about that kind of work.
BUT...what Acting As If does, if we Spiritualise it away, is create a lineage of people who forget that the true Inner Work is what it takes to become the version of you that is calling you to rise up from within!
We forget that it's going to take discipline, willingness and a connection to ourselves to show us that we can do it. Especially when we feel like we can't because it feels messy and scary and difficult!
And so...I feel the need to share this with you to clear up any misunderstandings that "Acting As If" may be creating in spiritual community.
There is ALLOWING and ALIGNMENT vrs ACTING and ABANDONING the Self....I know which one I'm choosing.
How about you?..
👉...Want to get into alignment rather than "acting as if"?
Meet some of the Aligners I've already worked with in my 12 week Soul Alignment Course - ALIGN -
We talk in this Zoom call about how alignment has changed their lives allowing them to flow in self-love, speak their truth, step into their true confidence & reclaim the lost parts of self including reconnecting with their inner child!
And if you like what you hear then feel free to reach out to me at hi@yoursoulrevealed.com as the next round of my Align course starts soon!
Check out the info here including all of the juicy Earlybird Bonuses!!!
Let's Align with our true selves instead of having to Act!
Speak soon love,
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