
Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Be Your Own Guru...debunking Enlightenment

The term Enlightenment means the following apparently...

1. A movement of the 18th century that stressed the belief that science and logic give people more knowledge and understanding than tradition and religion. 

2. Buddhism : a final spiritual state marked by the absence of desire or suffering.

Most people who speak about enlightenment in this day and age are referring to description two. I'm pretty sure description one is NEVER used in scientific terms any more. 

The thing is for me, enlightenment is neither of these two things...and I want to tell you why.

Let me debunk enlightenment...

Rather than enlightenment being some pompus belief in scientific logical understanding (thanks 18th century upper class), or some unrealistic expectation of pure blissed out consciousness with no human emotional cravings, desires or pains, pleasures or emotions of any kind (thanks most probably 18th century monks!), let's bring enlightenment into the now! (thank you Eckhart!) and radicalise enlightenment to make it achievable, real and honest. 

Let's get rid of the fluff! 

Enlightenment for us 21st Century lovelies results in an ever evolving growth of our character and spiritual understanding. It comes in spits and spurts, floods, waves, tremors and earthquakes. 

Enlightenment in the 21st Century doesn't mean we suddenly reach a bliss state from whence we never return. It means the unfurling of ourselves. The peeling back of the layers of conditioning we hold. The places we weren't loved by others or haven't loved ourselves.

It's the reclaiming of the lost parts of ourselves. The embodying of our deepest shadow and clearing of our inadequacies and self imposed limitations.

Enlightenment is a lifetime course of becoming the fullest, most radiant version of you! The you, you were truly meant to be in this lifetime.

Enlightenment may elicit itself via many forms. Meditation, clean diet, travel, self improvement videos, swimming in the sea, hugging a tree, playing with a child, whilst washing the dishes, singing, dancing, yoga, eating a ripe mango or delving into a consciously created book.

Enlightenment can happen in many an "Ah-ha" moment as Oprah may put it. In the moments you least expect. The trick is to listen, stay in an enquiring space and be open to the answers...more on this in a mo... 

Enlightenment does also not need a Guru. 

Though it can help to find some mentors who are further along the actualised path than you. 

So let me be your Un-Guru ;)

As my lovely friend Patrick once put it..."Everyone is their own Guru" which I cried...

"That's exactly what a Guru would say!"
But all joking aside...he was a Guru of the most high when he said that ;)

In truth you are your own Guru. 

You are the God creator of your own life, of your own design, of your own evolution baby! 

You are the Guru who will unveil the shadows from covering your eyes to the beauty of who resides deep inside. You are the one who will be doing the deep inner work to find that inner child that needs loving. You are the adult who will give that child the love it's been seeking and you are the one who will diligently work towards becoming the fullest most realised you...if you choose to do so.

And this brings me to what enlightenment is at it's most basic...

Enlightenment is connecting to your most authentic self using self inquiry.
Enlightenment means to firstly...

Listen - Listen to what your insides are telling you. The fears, the aspirations, the places your heart and soul long for you to go and experience. The people your soul wants you to be around and the ones it says hell no to. The pains, the woundings, the places your inner child wants to be healed. The love, the anger, the disillusionment you feel and mistakes you have made. All of these can result in enlightened moments so long as you create...

Space - Space to hear what your inner self is saying. Space to hear what the next best step is or where you have been repeating a pattern. Space to love yourself when you realise you've forgotten to take time out for you in the last 5 years. Space to heal yourself when you need to cry or rage or throw out that sentimental love note you've held onto since high school. Space to become the "not you"...the you, you never thought you were. Space to find yourself amongst the things the "you, you thought you were" bought and you now hate. Space to become all you can be and all you can't even imagine you can be! Space to be...

Open - Open to the answers that WILL come through you. Because they always do. It's just there wasn't room before. Room to hear what your insides were telling you. So many thoughts that blocked you before are now quietened with loving reminders. You are able to hear them and heal them and listen to the all knowing higher/adult version of you. Your Soul Voice has grown! And it's never ever far away. You know how to call on it because you are open and even when you feel your inner child and ego rearing it's snotty baby head, you know how to hear it. It feels different from the inside when it speaks. It never puts you down for a start and always knows what you really need.

Enlightenment from this space is totally achievable because you never make any other part of you wrong. 

Enlightenment is like the steps you took as a baby. You fall you get up, you fall you get don't stop. No one says you are silly to keep trying. No one laughs and says that's a fools game. Nobody, not one person, says you can't do it. In fact they encourage you. They cheer you on. They KNOW one day you will walk and talk and do anything you put your heart and soul into. 

And as your Non Guru ;) let me tell can and WILL one day become enlightened. You are simply taking small incremental steps towards becoming the most actualised person you can be in this lifetime. You may stumble and fall and sometimes come crashing down on your pretty little face, but you WILL wake up. You will find bliss. You will see your crap and your flaws and your beauty and your wisdom. You will be love, even when you are angry and you will be free to be you, even when you feel you can't. 

And the reason I know this is because you are here reading this! 

You are already seeking. You are already pulling yourself up on the sofa.

So as your Un-Guru, let me let you into a little enlightenment secret...

The path to enlightenment is harder and easier than you imagine it may be.

The path to enlightement is hidden behind the mirror of Self Love!

The key to becoming a fully awakened and enlightened version of you is self acceptance. Flaws and all. Fears and all. Worries and all. Wobbles and scars and not enoughs and too muchness and shame and blame and fears and laughs that are too loud.  

You reach enlightenment by becoming the safe space for you to hold yourself in. An unconditionally loving, accepting, nurturing, caring, encouraging, believing in space where you can radiate with joy the trueness of every part of you. Unequivocally being the many facets, faces and shiny rainbow colours that you are meant to be. 

There is only one remarkable you in this lifetime and there will only ever be this one exactly amazing radically beautiful you.

So let me Un-Guru you ;) 

Let's reveal your true soul and take each wobbly slippery step towards the most enlightened dynamic you.

And let me help you...

Join me in the Your Soul Revealed facebook group and let me help to unfurl you my dear into the enlightened King or Queen you deserve to be. 


I'm Gail and I'm here to help you to strip away the layers of conditioning and limiting beliefs you have about yourself in order to reveal what your true Soul Voice is trying to guide you towards in this lifetime. 

Come and be part of the Your Soul Revealed Soul Circle to find out more about how to connect to your true essence & reveal who you are really are! 

You can find out more about Retreats, Online Courses & in person Workshops at

Your Dreams Speak - 5 Tips On How To Recall Your Dreams!

"Your spiritual self was born in a dream and when you dream you are returning home" 

~ Thomas Moore

Your dreams speak but your dreams are usually forgotten. The dreams you have at night or your day dreams...not to mention your child hood dreams. The ones you left behind at 6 or 16.

They arise in the moments when our conscious awareness has left the building for the night or been put on pause for a 5 minute break.

And then our conscious awareness reverts back to normality. Our everyday experiences, the alarm rings, to do lists, hunger pangs, meetings, the what shall we have for dinner thoughts come back to take charge of our day and we forget...

...and in the forgetting, we miss something.

If you listen very carefully, inquiring into the spaces between your everyday thoughts, you will find an entire world filled with symbols, stories, messages and cravings from the depth of your soul.

The truth is most are afraid to look. Afraid to find they have undone themselves. 

And dreams become simply dreams.

We look at dreams like they are the unfolding of the jumble and junk that fills our minds everyday. And whilst that may be true in part....we miss the deeper message they are trying to convey.

Because it's easier...

It's much easier to discount our dreams and floatings as nonsensical, daytime debris, or at best a desire laid out in cinematic story. 

But what if your dreams are as alive as your waking life?  Indeed, what if they are MORE alive and hold the keys to your waking life!?

In long forgotten times, dreams were revered.  Kings and Queens of milleniums past would use the power of the Seers and Elders who knew how to interpret their dreams. They prophesied the future and unravelled the now.  Dreams took symbols from realms unseen, from plains untouched by human design and placed them gracefully in the places most untravelled in our minds.

In many ancient societies such as those of Egypt and Greece, dreaming was considered a supernatural communication or a means of divine intervention, whose messages could be unravelled by people with certain powers ~ Wikipedia

Dreams spoke and were heard...

Translated by those well versed in symbolism and the collective unconscious, to heal, strategise and connect to those forces who, whilst hidden from sight, seemed to have a knowing beyond this earthly dimension.

As we developed and science based left-brained thinking took precedence, we lost the art of dream divination. We mistook our dreams for fragments of foolery because we lost the art of deciphering the truth embedded in dream symbolism.

Your dreams speak...

Guiding and supporting you with messages from your subconscious mind, your hidden self.  From a deep place the "waking" mind can't see or navigate.  Your dreams attempt to guide to towards the betterment of your 3D life.

They speak of your fears and joys, of potential outcomes of choices you may face and solutions to your problems, of lives yet to be lived and past mistakes you should have already learnt from.

Your dreams speak to you in abundance as you lay statuesque in the dark.  They whisper their gold into your minds eye hoping to give you the guidance you seek via a journey of the unusual so that you may absorb their unshakable insights.

Accessing the hidden messages in your dreams can lead to a deeper sense of self, an expanded view of your own shadow, inner child and higher self callings. Dreams are our internal teachers.

Dream interpretation can help you to find the next step you in forging a new path in life, heal an old emotional wound, or even for see the most probable future events!

Here are some tips on how to recall and divinate your dreams...

1. Wake up slowly.  I know this isn't always possible with alarms usually starting the day off. But if you can, set your alarm ten minutes earlier and lay in bed for those next ten minutes in the drowsy place between sleep. This will help you to recall what you were dreaming about just before you opened your eyes.

2. Keep a Dream Journal by your bedside so that you can note down everything you can recall about your dreams as soon as you are awake. Dreams are notoriously slippery. If you wait too long you may forget a golden nugget!

3. Note down everything you hear, see and possibly even smell! Everything is important. Weather, temperature, time of day or night, people, animals, colours and even that favourite toy you had when you were 5!

4. There are many dream interpretation websites and books you can read to help you divine your dreams. However, whilst many of these come from achetypal images that we hold in the collective unconscious and can help you to see what your dreams are trying to say to you, it's much better to write the feelings and thoughts of your dreams down and focus on exactly HOW you've told the story!  Many times the clues in what our dreams mean is staring us in the face. We become our own best interpreters!

5. Start your evening off setting intentions for your subconscious mind to speak to you in ways you will easily be able to interpret. This is especially great if you've been having recurring dreams or nightmares that you just can't figure out.

Watch this video where I give you more tips on dream interpretation and how to enhance dream recall before bedtime!

Thomas Moore on Supersoul Sunday...

If you want to learn more about how to interpret your dreams join the 
where I share videos and content to help you on your journey of revealing your true soul & destiny.


I'm Gail and I'm here to help you to strip away the layers of conditioning and limiting beliefs you have about yourself in order to reveal what your true Soul Voice is trying to guide you towards in this lifetime. 

Come and be part of the Your Soul Revealed Soul Circle to find out more about how to connect to your true essence & reveal who you are really are! 

You can find out more about Retreats, Online Courses & in person Workshops at

Are You Living An Authentic Life?

 Watch Now On Youtube...

Are You Living An Authentic Life? 

Firstly, let’s cover what authentic living isn’t!

Living authentically doesn’t mean you must be happy all the time…but it will lead you to more happiness.  

It doesn’t mean you have discovered your reason for being here on this planet and know what you should be doing next to achieve your mission in life…but it will direct you to the right people, places and circumstances for you to discover your purpose.

It doesn’t mean you have to meditate daily to fine tune your authenticity meter…though it certainly will help you to hear your inner guidance by diminishing over thinking from any stresses in your life.

It doesn’t mean you have to give up your job and run off into the hills shouting “FREEDOM!”…though you certainly may wish to do that during moments of authentic living!

Living authentically doesn’t mean you are never going to have to go through the trials and tribulations that life brings…but it will help you to understand how to navigate those times with eloquence and style.

Authentic living won’t bring you the love of your life in a matter of moments…but it will eventually guide you to the one who will accept ALL of you for the wonderfully amazing being that you truly are!

It doesn’t mean you will continually feel “on track” and be instantly decisive 100% of the time. In fact, living authentically means there will be many times you will feel stuck and simply stop and wait until your authenticity button comes back “online”.

Living authentically isn’t easy! It’s not a holiday in the sun in Barbados…but it certainly can lead you there if you so desire!

Living authentically doesn’t mean you need to live a lonely life living by your own terms. By living authentically you are attracted to and by those people who hold similar outlooks to life as you do and find those who want to co-create with you. Over time you’ll find yourself surrounded by your authenticity tribe.

Authenticity is not about becoming powerful or part of the “it” crowd. Authentic living may make you the geekiest person in your tribe but they accept you and love you for everything you are!

So what is living authentically truly about and how can you tell the difference between authentic and inauthentic living?

Living authentically is this… 

You accept yourself completely, loving yourself with all of your foibles.

You accept the things about yourself that you are “working on” and love and respect yourself no matter what.

You get to know yourself. This is a lifetime’s work and is ever changing so you take time out to spend time alone, writing, in meditation, walks in nature or reading books that speak to your soul. You continue to check in with what your heart and soul truly desires in each moment.

You accept the things you cannot change. The mistakes you've made, the painful situations you find yourself in, the way others behave towards you or what they think about you as well as the thoughts you think about yourself. You accept where you are at and look to the future with eyes of growth and evolution. 

You forgive yourself. You forgive others. You realise love & forgiveness go hand in hand. You can't truly have one without the other. 

You realise that authentic forgiveness also means setting boundaries & raising the bar in your relationships, connections & commitments in life. Boundaries & bar raising standards mean repeating patterns get broken! 

You realise that life works in cycles. You are focused in what you want but if you have a bad day you nurture yourself, take care of your needs and make peace with where you are at right now. You don't berate yourself, you listen to the guidance from within. 

You do the things that make your heart sing. You reconnect to your soul child nature and find the fun in life. You realise that helping your inner child to play, dance, sing, laugh and connect with like minded friends puts a spring in your step and stops the drama of adult life becoming neurotic. 

You realise that your life's purpose isn't set in stone. Your life's purpose will change as you mature in life's lessons and grow & evolve into a bigger, brighter, shiner version of you. 

You realise your only true purpose is to shine your light. And figuring out how to do that authentically means finding the thing that lights up your heart in this moment!

Living authentically, most simply, is connecting to the heart in you & the heart in all and that is a pretty good place to start!

If you want to find out more about how to connect to your true nature and live authentically please join the Your Soul Revealed Soul Circle


I'm Gail and I'm here to help you to strip away the layers of conditioning and limiting beliefs you have about yourself in order to reveal what your true Soul Voice is trying to guide you towards in this lifetime. 

Come and be part of the Your Soul Revealed Soul Circle to find out more about how to connect to your true essence & reveal who you are really are! 

You can find out more about Retreats, Online Courses & in person Workshops at